
What I know about what I think are problems in society

Dad, I have a solution for anorexia

-for those who have problems with their image-

Dear dad,

you have anorexia. I never see you eat… don’t panic because I have a solution. (This could take some time, even months) Eat unhealthily and excessively like you would normally do when you are in your over eating zone (for some amount of time(weeks)(slowly but surely) until you get bulimic(over eating issue) where you almost want to eat everything in the world at once (you probably already have bulimia (over eating issue) when anorexia can lead to that most of the time. You will gain weight and be unhappy with yourself but hold on! After a while, you get reverse anorexia where you see yourself smaller than you actually are. When you experience that, it’s time to stop bulimia (the over eating issue). But you will have a hard time with it and will want to keep eating excessively even though you really don’t want to get fat but to be thin. When you are ready, you need to do the 5 times a charm law. This is a decision you make:(I think it might work better if you feel the addiction already) ”Now I am going to do the 5 times a charm law!” You are addicted to food and decide that you are not going to be tempted five times in a row. 5 times in a row you have to hold on and not get the snack bag that is pretending to be waiting for you at the store. This is a way to get rid of obsession. Obsessions that bulimia(over eating) involves, and this works on any obsession. One time don’t get tempted and get over the feeling of addiction where you want something to eat obsessively. You get over the addiction and get calm after a while, but then the obsession comes back. Second time- get over the addiction – it comes again. 3 times – get over the addiction – addiction comes again. 4 times – get over the addiction – addiction comes again. 5 times get over the addiction and after that, the obsession isn’t there for whatever food you were addicted to. Then you are free of (over eating) but still see yourself smaller than you are (reverse anorexia) but at that point you are ready to start a healthy relationship with food. You start losing weight because your eating habits are different. You can eat both healthy and unhealthy food, as the body now knows the unhealthy food after the bulimia(overeating) and has become used to it and even thrives more on it… then the body has an easier time processing it. (Your body knows you want to be thin because you used to starve yourself when the anorexia (disease) had taken over you (Your body knows you love unhealthy food also because you feel good when you eat it, it’s a pleasure for you and if you feel good your body knows, you are your body. You start to be able to eat whatever you want. Still lose weight? In fact, your body will miss the unhealthy if you stop it. Balance is better. After this journey you can learn to love yourself. You don’t go to the gym just to be slim, but to be healthy. You will relate to feeling beautiful even though you are fat. You will feel beautiful. Don’t misunderstand -because you will understand that you are big but you will actually see you as a beautiful person. Is your brain tricking you? Yes it’s opposite to anorexia, like that normal anorexia tricks you. But you feel beautiful because you see yourself smaller when you desire to be small. You are big but it is no longer a problem. That way you are positive about the whole process of losing weight this way. Think about it, losing weight and also gotten rid of anorexia. Let’s love ourselves through this, Let’s love life. Let’s eat anything we want. (Except for meat).

If you have bulimia as in you want to throw up after a meal, let go of the obsession because by not doing it 5 times in a row… does it work? So the rest of the explination is above. Bulimia and anorexia go hand in hand. You have to fight the feeling of throwing up but I’m really not sure about this… because I got rid of bulimia by throwing up too much (was vomiting related to psychosis not due to anorexic behaviour) and I just totally got enough of that. But resisting 5x in a row should work. Try it and let me know.

After some time you will gain your image back to normal. Back to normal? Was it ever normal? We are raised in a society where…

Works also on drugs. The method is above.

Dear dad, good luck.

(Googld translated) (Next time I will use my own icelandic-english language)

(I know this because I went through this. In march last year (2023) I had already gained 100kg and I wanted to lose weight. I was fighting my pshycosis at the same time where I saw bad ghosts and demons with red eyes. I was trying to find the law behind them… and I was supposed to melt them down with my wisdom and smartness. That’s when I was Nataníel. I also found out that a big part of the law was 3. To do everything three times because that was somewhat of a law in disney movies or princess movies. I wanted to go to the vending machine and I couldn’t afford it and I don’t remember exactly how I knew this but I know that I called my dad for him to loan me money for the vending machine… I did it like 3 times and realised i did not want to eat from it at all at the end of third time i called him. It was something like this and that’s when I knew the law. But I have been known for being crazy in Iceland because of my posts before, on facebook and instagram, so no one really took it seriously when I posted about it. But now I’m back from my crazy and better then ever so I’m confident about talking about my knowledge from my crazy… was it crazy? YES. But now it’s 5 times a charm law for reasons that I’m not willing to say. Just that the law aint 3 and 5 is a cool number.)





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